Each day, I am creating a post for the group and have decided to also share it here on my blog and through posts on my facebook page, Motivation Shaker Ashley Tabb.
If you are interested in joining in, you can download PUSH from iBooks or your local library? Or order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble? In addition to the book, be sure to go to http://www.chalenejohnson.com/30daypush to receive daily emails and videos that supplement the book and these posts.
The introduction of the book focuses on habits as the key to success. It states, successful people adopt the laws of success and create lifelong habits that they don’t have to think about but are 2nd nature.
Do you believe anyone can learn to create a new habit, live more organized and be purpose-driven and balanced? I agree with Chalene that anyone can…It’s a matter of changing your routine and disciplining yourself to maintain a few well-proven habits. It starts with figuring out who you are, what’s important to you, what gives you joy and what you want and why you want it.
Are you ready to create new habits and lay the foundation of success for your future?!?!
Comment below with your take aways from the Introduction of PUSH and Chalene’s Day 1 email/video below!
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