After college (15 years ago), I signed up as a distributor for a make up company. I bought the large inventory kit and maybe broke even. It was an incredible introduction to MLM but the set up just wasn't the right fit for me. Having multiple weekly parties is encouraged and even before having kids, I just didn't have time or the desire to have so many events while also working full-time. I Iove the products and actually still purchase them at a discount.
When I got married, I signed up with kitchenware company because I wanted the discount and starter kit. I thought all those gadgets and fun recipes would get me cooking more...but I was wrong. Again I just didn't have the passion for those products and couldn't force myself into it. Plus again the set up was to have multiple parties a week to show people the products and demonstrate recipes.
After having my 1st daughter (9 years ago), I feel in love with adorable kids clothes and decided to host parties to get discounts and free clothes. I LOVED the company and the products!!There was a defined
party season that was 8 weeks long twice a year, so it wasn't year around parties and there was no recruiting, so it was strictly just promoting the clothes. I won a mini Ipad, trip to headquarters and several Coach purses....and made extra money for dance classes and vacation. It was a good fit for me but then the company changed their strategy and eliminated distributors.
Next, I found a developing jewelry company and thought it would be a fun way to get new jewelry at a discount. However, after only a year I realized jewelry wasn't my passion and again the best way to sell was through home parties. I made a decent income to pay for dance classes and vacation. I was a top recruiter and founding leader of the company but just wasn't passionate about it.
I was ready to take a break from network marketing because I thought they ALL required out of the house parties...which took me away from my family. I loved the ladies nights once a month but weekly was too much for me especially still working full-time. But I LOVE getting discounts, so there are a few others that I have signed up with strictly for the discount but not to be active.
However, two years ago, I wasn't able to get to the gym and needed a fitness program I could do at home. I did home workouts here and there over the years but never seemed to finish a program or do them consistently. So when I heard about joining an online support group and c ompleting a program in 21 days, I joined the group. I followed the directions from the group leader (and now my mentor and #1 coach in the company). I did my daily workout, drink a shake each day and checked in online. In 21 days I lost 7 pounds and several inches. I had more energy and confidence than I had in years!!
I continued in the groups and posted about my journey online. Friends started asking if I would help them, so I decided to start my own online groups...even though when I first signed up I said I only wanted the discount and that I would never be an active coach. Now I am a Diamond coach and Certified Country Heat Instructor. I am building my business from the computer at home during lunchtime and after my girls go to bed at night. This is my 2nd year as a coach and I made a solid income working as a coach part-time last year. I was able to pay for dance classes, dance competition fees, swim team, Kings Island day trip, golf cart batteries ($800) and a few shopping sprees for new clothes (since I lost a total of 20 pounds).
I LOVE MLM companies. I LOVE getting discounts. I LOVE supporting others.
I think it's important to find what you are passionate about and what you love!!
Find a company that has a mission that fits with your life and priorities.
I LOVE helping others live a healthier and happier lifestyle!!
I'm VERY passionate about being a Beachbody Coach!!!
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