When you have 10-15 minutes, review this Mind, Body & Green vide o which is described on the Mind, Body & Green website as follows... When it comes to the products you put on your body, skin, or hair, one thing's for sure: the companies that makes those products don't have your back. Heather White, Executive Director of the Environmental Working Group , explains why our personal care products are loaded with dangeous chemicals, why babies are born with hundreds of toxins in their blood, and what you can do to make your immediate environment — and the world — a little bit safer. This video has me thinking twice about beauty products! Are the ingredients in beauty products linked to increase cancer rates and other diseases? Research is indicating the answer is "yes." As a mother of two daughters I am shocked to hear the puberty age is now 10 1/2 and likely due to beauty products mothers and girls use daily. I started using Beautycounter shampoo...