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Showing posts from July, 2017

Crazy Meal Plan, Workouts AND Results

"You are crazy!!!"  That's the response I've gotten from several people when I told them I committed to a 3 week rapid results challenge to make myself healthier and stronger.  It includes intense cardio, lifting and core workouts...and I take a rest day on Tuesdays to teach a different cardio group fitness class. But the workouts are only 20% of the program...the other 80% is the meal plan.  And that's where people say I'm REALLY crazy because there are limited carbs to choose from in the first week and no carbs by week 3. Yep that means no alcohol or soda AND I also cut out coffee.  Plus there is no pasta or rice. It really hasn't been that bad...since potatoes and beans are included. Plus I love the LaCroix sparkling water and just pretend it's a cocktail    So, despite the busy week with Swim conference,  Swim banquet and VBS starting, I was able to stay on track thanks to the support group I'm co-hosting and my accounta

Shift Shop Challenge Begins, Swim Season Ends

Woke up at 5am and completed The Shift Shop's 1st day workout Speed 25. Here's a sample of the moves I did this morning.... After my workout I headed straight to the shower to get ready for Courtney's swim conference meet. I completed my meal plan Sunday night and had all the fruits and veggies prepped for the week plus I prepped ham and turkey slices, 5 bean salad, salad, hummus and water bottles. Matt and I try to discuss our dinners on Sunday nights to get the meal plan set and Kroger's grocery list started. After getting ready, I made eggs, filled my Yeti with water, blended my Shakeology and loaded the car with the other snacks and food I had prepped. Once we arrived Courtney got ready for warm ups and I ate my eggs. I had planned space my food throughout the day so I wouldn't get hungry. So I decided not to have my fruit and saved it for lunchtime. After talking with some of the moms, I went back to the car to listen to my personal development book

Making a Shift in My Meal Plan

I 'll be honest, I'm a bit nervous about the strict nutrition plan with this new workout program, but I'm REALLY excited about getting out of the slump. Since I found out my position at UK was eliminated a few weeks ago, I have gained 5 pounds from relaxing on my meal plan and snacking on some of the kiddos treats. I need a good mental shift with food and nutrition and I KNOW this is exactly the program that will help me feel better myself. The Shift Shop is a new Beachbody Fitness Program by Supertrainer Chris Downing. It’s great for busting through plateaus because week-by-week you’re ramping up to the next level of fitness and nutrition. This is what I know about the eating plan so far: The program follows the container/Portion Fix system. The yellows/carb options are mainly veggies/beans – very few starches, especially by the end.  Each week starchy carbs decrease and protein and veggies increase which is designed for optimum results.  Many of the test gro

Vegan Vanilla Shakeology Cookie Dough

Everyday we have choices in the kitchen that can make or break the hard work and effort we put in with our workouts. Rather than putting in all the effort just to slide further away from your goal in the kitchen, change up some of your favorite sweets for healthier options!! Who doesn't love and crave cookie dough when they see it? I made this recipe and had to control myself by finding numerous chores to stay away until they had chilled in the fridge for at least a hour....personally I think they are even better cold!! Vegan Vanilla Shakeology Cookie Dough (Makes 10 servings, 1 spoonful each) Total Time: 15 min. Prep Time: 15 min.  ½ cup all-natural almond butter ¼ cup raw honey ½ cup old fashioned rolled oats 1 scoop Vanilla Vegan Shakeology 2 Tbsp. mini semi-sweet (or dark chocolate) chocolate chips Combine almond butter, honey, oats, Shakeology, and chocolate chips in a medium bowl; mix well. Spoon 10 equal-sized dallo