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Crazy Meal Plan, Workouts AND Results

"You are crazy!!!" 

That's the response I've gotten from several people when I told them I committed to a 3 week rapid results challenge to make myself healthier and stronger. 

It includes intense cardio, lifting and core workouts...and I take a rest day on Tuesdays to teach a different cardio group fitness class. But the workouts are only 20% of the program...the other 80% is the meal plan. 

And that's where people say I'm REALLY crazy because there are limited carbs to choose from in the first week and no carbs by week 3. Yep that means no alcohol or soda AND I also cut out coffee.  Plus there is no pasta or rice.

It really hasn't been that bad...since potatoes and beans are included. Plus I love the LaCroix sparkling water and just pretend it's a cocktail 😜 

So, despite the busy week with Swim conference,  Swim banquet and VBS starting, I was able to stay on track thanks to the support group I'm co-hosting and my accountability partner I talk with throughout each day!! 

Here's an overview of my week and some of my meals....

On Monday, we had swim conference so I packed my snacks and meals for the day.  I had my eggs and fruit when we got to the swim conference and then 2 hours later I had my Cafe Latte Shakeology before being the recorder volunteer.  I also took veggies to snack on.  One home, I had my salad with deli meat and 5 bean salad.  Then for dinner Matt grilled chicken and we had 5 bean salad and regular salad. I was never hungry during the day and was still able to eat every 2-3 hours even with only limited containers to eat.  
Day 2 started with pancakes for Matt and the girls at iHop.  I resisted by taking my Cafe Latte shake.  It's easy to drink and can be made in just a few seconds, plus it's easy to take along.  The waitress did ask me a few times if I needed anything but I just nodded no and enjoyed the drink drink!! Here's a look at our Tuesday Tacos in the containers and then the amount of food you get  once it's out the containers.  

Wednesday morning started with eggs and fruit along with Beachbody Performance Chocolate Recover which tastes like chocolate milk.  Then I had my shake for a mid-morning snack and for lunch I had salad and left over burger with guacamole on top.  Rather than eating comfort food throughout the week, I went to friends, family and my support community for accountability and encouragement.  Having faith in myself makes the process easier and it's helpful as people comment on how following my journey is inspiring and motivating.

Thursday I started the day the same with eggs and fruit and then had another Shakeology for a snack and veggies on the way to teach my group fitness class.  Afterwards I had chicken, sweet potato and salad for a late lunch and then veggies for a snack.  Before heading to the swim banquet, we had dinner at home and I resisted wine and cupcakes at the event.  It wasn't easy especially as Caroline had a total melt down because she didn't receive a trophy until later in the night when I mentioned she was forgotten.  I was able to distract her with a cupcake, but she was quickly asking questions about what had happened to her trophy.   

Friday started with Courtney coming down dressed and ready for the Descenants 2 movie premier. She had a sleepover with her friend and sister.  The BIG girls watched their movie while the little girls (and little brother) watch Paw Patrol. The little ones had ice cream for dessert and the BIG girls were so into their show they barely notices.  Rather than having alochol, I drink LaCroix and water with lemon and lime.  For dinner I wanted a treat for staying on track all week but I didn't want to go off the plan.  Thanksfully Steak is included in the program's nutrition guide so I had it for dinner Thursday and snack on Friday. 
 Saturday I woke up early with no kids at home and got my workout complete.  Then Matt and I taped Courtney's new bedroom so that it could get painted and ready for her to move in.  We went to a friends pool in the afternoon and it wasn't easy but I continued with my LaCoix and water and took left over steak and salad for dinner!  I really wanted a homemade payday bar but I let the girls have mine instead.  

Sunday started with another 25 minute lifting workout followed by 12 minutes of core.  I had my eggs, fruit and recover again for breakfast and then a Shakeology on the way to church.  Thank goodness for my Shakeology to keep me energize and full during church.  The songs and message today were great but my shake got me through without my tummy growling!! We went to Shamrocks for lunch and even with the chips and salad right in front of me, I didn't have even ONE bite!!  With it being a dreary morning we decided to paint the room and Matt was able to finish it up while I took the girls to the first night of VBS. 

It has a been a busy, crazy week.  As the week comes to a close, I am comparing my picture from a week ago and seeing that the sacrifice and planning WAS all worth it!! I'm see more definition and tone which is my goal.  In addition to getting results with this program myself, I am co-hosting an online accountability group with others also committed to this program.  Plus I'm listening to the book "The 5 Second Rule" for inspiration and encouragement.  

I am loving this book and have so many things that I relate to when I hear the stories.  Here are some of the take aways I've had this week and weekend from the book...

You know what you eat is what gives you energy to feel great and after each workout you are energized and ready to tackle the day.  However, it's hard to get off the couch and most mornings you don't feel like doing the workout.  Some people may feel deprived without pasta, wine and beer, but the moment you accept the fact that you can't do the easy things and stay in shape you'll get it.  Once you realize, you'll NEVER fully feel like it but you have to do it anyway, you'll 54321 and just do it. 

Blowing off the gym, going through the drive thru or scrolling on Facebook...these things are easy and mindless. But you have to stop considering how you feel because results come from what you do not what you feel like before you start doing the workout. 

Keep your promises to yourself and focus on your vision and goal. Be committed to what you say you are going to do. Tell others you are committed and don't let them talk you out of your goal. Be strong. 

Ok, so people said I was crazy for doing low carb and they could never stop drinking for 3 weeks. Really...I have 2 kids...I didn't drink alcohol while I was pregnant so I went 8 months without any...can't I do 3 weeks? 

What did I miss out on anyway?? Feeling tired at night or having a headache the next day. Is it really worth the high?  I get an amazing feeling after working out and when I get on the scale and see my goal. I get energized when I'm out with friends planning a fun weekend or teaching a workout class. I've realized this week I don't have to have pasta or diet soda or bread or wine or beer to have fun. I don't miss these things because I found other things I like just as much or even more. 

It takes courage to start something, stick with it and share it with the world. But when you share your goals and dreams and share your journey to get there you increase accountability and will receive additional support!  Yes you may get some nay Sayers that say you can't do it but more people will cheer you on and you have to focus on those cheers and your goals!!  It HAS been a lot of work and I DID have to overcome several temptations, but I followed the meal plan to a T this past week and am MORE THAN HAPPY with my 1 week comparison pics!! 

Now it's time to plan for week 2!!


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