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3 Day Refresh Review...

I decided to take Beachbody's 3 Day Refresh with a goal to lose a few more pounds, eliminate diet soda, and learn about the program, so I couldshare with others.
For over a year, I considered the 3 DayRefresh and feared that I couldn't follow the meal plan because it doesn't have meat and limited liquid choices. No caffeine didn't worry me since I went over 1 1/2 years without caffeine...twice (when I was pregnant & nursing my girls)!! However, giving up all diet soda and meat is something VERY difficult for me.  I have been following the 21 Day Fix meal plan for the past year and love it because it allows me to eat 5-6 times a day with very few limitations.  However, I decided it was time for me to take the challenge and grow with the 3 Day Refresh.  

Here is a little info and intro to the 3 Day Refresh...

This is an overview of the meal plan for the 3 Day Refresh....

Prepping for the 3 Day Refresh: Prior to beginning my 3 day refresh, I  read through the program guide and then put it in my bag to review later.  When later came, I went to reference the guide and couldn't find I spent 15-30 minutes searching...only to find it in my purse.Once found, I reviewed the meal plan and determined the groceries I needed for the 3 days.  My husband, Matt, went to Sam's and purchased strawberries, bananas, spinach salad, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower.   I prepped my fruit and veggies through the day on Saturday and had everything in containers for the week.  

Day 1: Monday's are always the hardest...not only is it Monday, but I have to send extra items to school for my girls. Therefore, if I am going to forgot things, it is likely to happen on Monday.  I got Caroline's lunch prepared and Courtney out the door with everything she needed, but I forgot to put my fruit and veggies in my lunchbox...oh well...that's ok I just went to Kroger before lunch and purchased more fruit & veggies and some other items I would need throughout the week.  At least I started the morning off right with 21 Day Fix's Upper Fix and then had a Vegan Tropical Strawberry Banana Shakeology...and I didn't forget my Fiber Sweep or Vanilla Refresh...which are NOT sold at Kroger!!

Around 9:00am I heated a cup of hot tea.  Then at 10:30am, for my mid morning snack, I had the Fiber Sweep shake. The program guide says to mix the packet and water but doesn't indicate a specific way of doing it. I used a spoon to mix and thought blending would have been better. However, I later learned that it's important to only use 8 oz of water and for the water to be luke warm...a room temp small bottle of filtered water works best.  Pour the water first and then pour in the mix and stir or wisk quickly.  Don't let  the Fiber Sweep sit long or it will thicken up and become unbearable to drink.
I tried shaking and mixing but couldn't get all the clumps out. So I took a deep breathe and just drank it quickly!!
Dinner included a fabulous Spinach Salad and Vanilla Refresh shake afterwards...I finally got it right by blending with ice and adding a dash of cinnamon!! Despite not having all the right "tools" I made it through Day 1...not hungry and achieved my goal of no diet soda and no headache!!  I ended the night with hot tea.

Day 2: 
I woke up at 5am feeling normal, so I went downstairs and completed 21 Day Fix Pilates.  It's a low intensity workout but it is still a challenge on the abs, legs and butt. After my workout, I showered and got ready for work and made a Vanilla with 1/2 banana and VERY small spring of peanut butter powder. 

The Fiber Sweep was much better on day 2..I poured 8 oz of room temp filtered bottle water into a cup and then the bag of Fiber Sweep...mixed and drank in about 2-3 minutes. I didn't want to find out if it would clump if I let it sit...I trusted other posts that I've read that it does!! For lunch I had fruit, veggies and hummus and then blended the Vanilla Fresh shake as "dessert" Then late in the afternoon I got a horrible headache and  began to feel VERY weak.

By the time I got home I knew I had hit my limit...I wasn't even sure I was thinking straight, so I talked with Matt & decided I had to listen to my body and eat more than the 3 day refresh program suggested. So for dinner I made Cucumber and Tomato salad as planned, but also had fish and rice. Then a hour after dinner I had the Vanilla Refresh. I felt much better after dinner...I still a slight headache, but I felt like I made the best choice for me.  Rather than staying up until 11pm, I was dozing off in the couch at 9pm, so I got to bed by 9:30pm. 

Day 3:On the final day of the refresh,  I slept in and it felt GREAT!! I had a Strawberry Banana Shakeology for breakfast, Fiber Sweep snack and then Vanilla Refresh for lunch with fruits and veggies with hummus. For dinner I had the Veggie Stir fry and another Vanilla Refresh. Matt also had the stir fry and we loved it!!

Results and Thoughts: Even with my slight menu alternative, I lost 3 pounds during my 3 day refresh.  If I had it to do all over, I would have completed the 3 Day Refresh in June 2014 when I started my fitness journey.  It really is a good way to get into clean eating and help get into the mind frame of meal planning. Plus I think I would have lost more with this program if I had more weight that I needed to lose.  In June 2014, my goal was to lose 15-20 pounds.  I lost 10 pounds following 2 rounds of 21 Day Fix workouts and meal plans.  Today, I have lost a total of 20 pounds with multiple rounds of 21 Day Fix, a month of Insanity Max30, 2 rounds of 21 Day Fix Extreme and the 3 Day Refresh. 

The 3 Day Refresh program takes a bit of planning but even if it doesn't go as planned there is a way to make it may not be perfect but I got started and completed it...and that's what's important!!!

If you are interested in more information, create a FREE account & view Beachbody Challenge on my website.  Then complete this form to be contacted about the next fitness support group and to answer any questions about the 3 Day Refresh!!


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