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I'm a Team Beachbody Coach because...

A recent church service focused on purpose and began and ended with the question..."Have you ever wondered why you're still alive?" Throughout the service I thought about this question and felt my best answer is "to teach, motivate and inspire." I do these on several levels from a mom, wife, and friend. 

As a mom of two princesses, Courtney (7) and Caroline (2) I work hard to teach them values, manners and skills daily. It isn't easy and sometimes I lose my patience but I am working each day to be a better me.

My husband, Matt and I do several things differently and teach and motivate each other as we strive to strengthen our relationship.  It can be hard sometimes and we don't always have the same process for completing tasks. But we become stronger by learning to work together in various situations. 

As a friend, I am often asked for time management, organization and fitness advice. Personally it's not always easy juggling multiple responsibilities and tasks but there are several strategies I have learned over the years that I share with others and through sharing I increase my skills. I remember growing up, my mom listened to cassette tapes about time management and organization rather than listening to the radio. I remember listening about making lists and sorting items and so I began incorporating these practices into my routine at an early age.  Fitness became important to me as I played softball and cheered in high school. Then in college, I began working at Golds Gym and learned tips and best practices from trainers and others I encounter at the gym. 

I didn't realize how these skills and knowledge would really come together until I became a Team Beachbody coach and started Challenge Groups a few months ago. I purchased a Challenge pack with the goal to lose 12 pounds and reshape my body. I incorporated a daily workout, meal plan and Shakeology into my daily and weekly routine and wanted a discount on Shakeology. After losing 10+ pounds and several inches I started receiving questions from friends and shared what I did to get my results and invited them be part of my private Facebook support Group. After only 19 days when I asked what changes they noticed in themselves over 2 weeks I received the following responses....

Challenger #1
1) that when you eat clean it is amazing how differently you really do feel. I can now tell a complete difference in how different foods affect my body. For example, since eating clean the past 20 days I have had very inflammation attacks with my lupus. I had something yesterday mid day with sugar in it and it was processed, my the time I went to bed last night I could feel the inflammation in and around my joints again. People I am testimony that processed sugar is the devil!

2) when you invest the time in yourself for exercising and truly meal planning that it actually helps to minimize with stress that comes from work, etc.

Challenger #2
1) working out in the morning allows me to get my workout in without affecting my family or the days activities. I love having it done right away and not having to worry about fitting it in during the day or evening. 
2) clean eating makes me feel so much better! More energetic, less bloated, more energy.

Challenger #3
1. I don't have to fit in an hour or more workout to make a difference. 2. I can work out at home & change my body, it doesn't have to be at the gym. 3. Eating healthier makes me feel better. 4. Regardless of what I think my ideal weight is on the scale, feeling better in my skin from eating right & working out are even more important.

Challenger #4
1. I have more energy when I eat cleaner. My meal plan helps take the "guess work" out of eating. I create my plan and then stick to it. It makes life easier. The preparation seems to be the key to success right now. 2. I workout everyday and I am getting stronger. I thought that I would always have to do the modifiers, especially with my back injury, but I am finding now that I do the majority of them full on exercises and I can do them for the full 60 seconds.

The feedback was beyond my expectations!  This is my purpose for being a Team Beachbody help people and support them through their journey of healthy living & eating and enjoying life!!  

If you are interested in more information, create a FREE account & view Beachbody Challenge on my website.  Then complete this form to be contacted about the next fitness support group and to verify which Fix is best for you!!


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