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Making a Shift in My Meal Plan

I'll be honest, I'm a bit nervous about the strict nutrition plan with this new workout program, but I'm REALLY excited about getting out of the slump. Since I found out my position at UK was eliminated a few weeks ago, I have gained 5 pounds from relaxing on my meal plan and snacking on some of the kiddos treats. I need a good mental shift with food and nutrition and I KNOW this is exactly the program that will help me feel better myself.

The Shift Shop is a new Beachbody Fitness Program by Supertrainer Chris Downing. It’s great for busting through plateaus because week-by-week you’re ramping up to the next level of fitness and nutrition.

This is what I know about the eating plan so far:

  • The program follows the container/Portion Fix system. The yellows/carb options are mainly veggies/beans – very few starches, especially by the end. 
  • Each week starchy carbs decrease and protein and veggies increase which is designed for optimum results. 
  • Many of the test group participants said it was a lot of food and that they were “eating all the time”. 
  • Despite having a lot of food in week 1 and 2 you may feel hungry. 
  • There are a lot of veggies and protein, but the meal plan is not high in fat. 
  • Week three is similar to a “countdown to competition” plan as described in the 21 Day FIx Extreme. It is nearly all starchy carbs and fruits are eliminated. Carboholics may find this program is a definite challenge but still doable. 
This type of meal plan gives your metabolism a kick in the butt and revs it up so that you can shred serious fat and get quick results! This is similar to the type of meal plan that a fitness competitor or model would follow to shred quickly before a competition or photo shoot! The key to success is no doubt in the nutrition.

Here is an example of a fellow coach's WEEK 1 SHIFT SHOP meal plan!

Basically it is a ton of fresh fruits, veggies, lean protein and it does follow the portion controlled container system. Although it is NOT the same as the 21 Day Fix as it tapers down your carbs and is very specific with which carbs you can and cannot have. For instance almond and coconut milk are not included in the plan.
The meal plan is basic to provide RAPID results in 3 weeks. The program delivers only if you are serious about your nutrition and commit to the daily workouts. I've heard this over and over.... 80% of your results come from the foods that you eat!

My fridge will be stocked with these staples:

Black BeansAvocadoCucumberTomatoSpinachLettuceLean Ground TurkeyBoneless Chicken BreastFlank SteakSalmonBroccoliGreen BeansEggsStrawberriesBananasApplesAll natural almond butter
Plus I will plan to consume LOTS of water and will commit to 3 weeks of no alcohol! Really...I know I can do it...I've done it for months at a time when I was pregnant and still lived through the summer months and attended parties!! It's TOTALLY doable!! You can do anything for 3 weeks if you put your mind too it and have a solid support group cheering you on! It’s time to shift your thinking from all the things you are missing out on, to all the things you are gaining!
I’ll also incorporate Beachbody Performance supplements including Energize and Recover to give me an extra boost before and during the workouts and to minimize soreness each day!! I currently have Energize before teaching Country Heat and can completely tell a different in being on beat with the music I have my lemon drink versus when I don't.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I’ve been on the struggle bus for the last few months with so many things going on personally. And although I am a coach, I need accountability just as much as everyone else so I am counting on my challengers and fellow test group participants to hold me to it – to help me along – to share ideas and to STAY ON TRACK!

It's so much easier when you do hard things with others rather than let's PUSH through this program and create an AMAZING shift together!!

Are you in?!?!


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