My alarm sounds every morning at 5:05. Even though I definitely fall under the “morning person” category, I still find waking up and getting out of bed to be a bit of a challenge. I typically hit snooze once, rather than four times so I have time for my 30 minute workout and have an amazing start to my day!! Feeling well-rested is key to my workout performance especially so early in the morning, I have water next to my bed and drink it as I head downstairs and typically have to have a refill in the middle of my workout. By the end of the workout I feel accomplished and a positive tone is set for the rest of the day . Setting the alarm a little earlier means that I can peacefully workout, listen to a podcast, post about my workout and get ready for the little ones wake up. Having the routine and sticking too it may be crazy, but it helps me to rush less and limit stress! I think it's easier to get up and jump right ripping off a bandage...rather than laying there