It was Easter Sunday 2 years ago...I remember feeling like I needed something.
I had limited energy to chase her and play outside.
My nails broke every time I buckled her into the car seat.
I was moody and just wanted my pre-baby body and "me" time back!
While I had a gym membership, I only saw the inside of the gym MAYBE once or twice a month. During the week, I was too tired from working all day to workout at night. On Saturday morning when the gym daycare was open, there was a Mommy and me dance class. And there was no daycare on Saturday afternoon or Sunday at the gym.
So I walked and ran outside, but was unable to keep a consistent pace or routine. I had no clothes to wear to work...EVERYTHING was tight and uncomfortable....except for the maternity shirts and pants. My hair was dull and short and yet so hard to tackle each morning.
While I had a gym membership, I only saw the inside of the gym MAYBE once or twice a month. During the week, I was too tired from working all day to workout at night. On Saturday morning when the gym daycare was open, there was a Mommy and me dance class. And there was no daycare on Saturday afternoon or Sunday at the gym.
So I walked and ran outside, but was unable to keep a consistent pace or routine. I had no clothes to wear to work...EVERYTHING was tight and uncomfortable....except for the maternity shirts and pants. My hair was dull and short and yet so hard to tackle each morning.
I wore a bikini but wasn't comfortable or confident in it.
It's funny...we could be at the pool all day long but I still "didn't have time" to get to the gym or exercise.
Then as I sat at the pool, scrolling through Facebook, I saw before and after pictures of a friend that I cheered with in high school. She had a 3 year old son and had lost several pounds and inches. I sent her a message and she replied with info about the program and challenge group....and the rest is history!!
I wasn't sure about it at first. I researched the program and shakes and hesitated for a few days. However, I knew she had great results with the process and that it wouldn't happen overnight, but that I COULD make it happen!! That was the first step of the next 2 years that changed my life and made me so much stronger and happier!!
Now I want to help you with your health and fitness and accountability as well as....
1. Overcome your fears.
2. Set realistic goals
3.Find a fitness program that meets your needs and ability level.
4. Help you fuel your body with energy.
5. Make healthy lifestyle changes.
6. Recognize priorities & find time for them
Whether you want to lose 10-15 pounds or gain muscle mass, I'll help you count down the days to summer and help you track your progress as you work toward your goals.
We will start on Monday, March 21 with setting goals, and then make sure we have healthy foods and a meal plan to give our bodies the nutrients it needs.
- We will focus on:
- Emotional Eating
- Late Night Snacking
- Curbing Cravings
- Making healthier choices
- Quick Easy Meals
- Weekly Meal Planning
- Weekly Prepping
- Daily Motivation

We may not be perfect the entire 3 months but we will break it into 28 day segments and even allow ourselves a few cheat meals and a few glasses of wine along the way.
SO are you ready to spring into summer as a stronger, happier you?? Is this something you want to consider and need in your life?
It IS time for you to get BACK TO YOU!!!
I am only accepting a small number of participants, so don't delay or let fear hold you back!!
If you decide you want to change and get back your happiness, I have the tools to help.
To get more information complete the application below:
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.
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