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Cardio Dance Workouts to Country Music...Yes Please

Let's Put Our Boots Together...

I have coached and launched several programs over the past two years and was asked this week to coordinate an Official Beta Launch Test Group....HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!

I am honored and excited to help launch this program while helping YOU kick off inches and pounds as you reach your health and fitness goals!!

Last Monday I was on a call with Autumn Calabrese, Country Heat's creator and fitness trainer, and we talked about the test group, ideal participants and how to help everyone succeed with this program!!

Will you put your boot in and be 1 of the 50 participants in my 30 day Official Country Heat Test Group?

What is Country Heat?
Country Heat is a new high-energy, low impact dance workout that launches July 28. Inspired by country line dancing, this fun "cardio dance fitness" program will have your heart pumping and sweat pouring as you get your grove on to Top Country Music!

The 30 minute cardio based dance workouts include easy-to-follow dance moves but no choreography to remember. Plus there is a dance conditioning workout that will burn major calories and shape, tone and tighten your entire body!

The program also includes a portion-control eating plan.  No calorie counting, special foods or eating at home all the time.  Enjoy the rest of the summer and summer events while eating the right portions and still see results toward your health and fitness goals!!

Reasons to Join the Test Group
1. Participants of my test group receive Autumn's exclusive bonus workout, Dance Mash-Up

2. Upon completion, participants can request a free t-shirt by submitting their results

3. Participants are also entered into a Challenge Group contest with the potential to win $500 or more by submitting results after the test group ends.

4. Participants will receive a variety of recipes, meal ideas, snack options and weekly meal templates.

5. Participants that follow the program guidelines will see AMAZING results at the end of the 30 days!!

Who can apply for the Test Group?
Anyone can do this program and apply for the test beginners or Beachbody workout grads...all ages sizes and fitness levels.  People that don't like to workout and think they hate exercise are ideal for the test group.

Autumn makes it easy and enjoyable and reminds you throughout to keep going!!  People who like to dance will also love the program and it may boost their confidence to try out for SYTYCD. It's great if you want to lose weight, tone, or strengthen and results will appear within 30 days.  Zumba fans will also love the high energy dance workouts and country music lovers will be excited to listen to favorite country hits from some of Country Music's current top stars!

Anyone looking for a simply, fun and effective way to lost weight and get healthier should apply for this group!! There are no complicated moves, no equipment required...just follow along and you'll not only look and feel great at the next wedding or party, but your have a few new moves as well!!

What are the Participant Expectations?

Participants are expected to...

1. Check in daily to a private Facebook group for tips, sample recipes and meal planning instructions.

2. Download the My Challenge Tracker app to log daily workout and shake recipes.

3. Follow the workout schedule designed by Autumn Calabrese for the 4 week program.

4. Take before and after pictures and measurements to submit at the end of the challenge.

5. Replace one meal a day with nutrient dense Shakeology as indicated in the meal plan guide included with the program.

Referral Program...
Refer a friend, family member or co-worker to the Test Group for a change to win a one month supply of my favorite pre-workout mix, Energize!!  It will help you Kick the Dust Up to this amazing workout!

How to Apply...

1. Complete the application below to be added to the next challenge Group.
2. Approved Applicants will receive a link to the Challenge Group.
The Challenge Pack will include workout DVDs, meal plans and challenge tracker account info needed for the Test Group.  The only cost is that of the challenge pack.

Feel the Change While You Move Your Feet....apply here:

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