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Showing posts from January, 2017

Back on Track After the Holidays!

Another 21 Day challenge is complete...My goal this month was to maintain my weight and tone my core. I chose 2 cardio programs and did a mixture of home workouts and group fitness classes.  Counting down to vacation and hosting an online support group kept me motivated and even on days I wanted to stay in bed, I got up and completed the 30 minute workout!! I didn't skip a workout this round but there were days I didn't feel good so I modified the moves.  I was excited to track my workouts and shakes in the Challenge Tracker app to qualify for the Health Bet as I want a piece of the prize that will be awarded in a few weeks. Who doesn't like getting a prize for something you already plan to do?!? After the holidays it wasn't going to be easy to get back to a meal plan but starting with the 3 Day Refresh made it much easier since there was less to decide and plan!!  Now I've got 2 weeks until vacation and there are 4 months until pool season!! I w

Another Goal this Year...Finish "Good to Great"

This picture was taken in May 2005 during our honeymoon in Aruba. WOW...this seems like SOOO long ago. It was our first night dinner in Aruba. We were so happy to make it since we had to delay the trip a day because I couldn't find my birth certificate (in "those days" you didn't need a passport). I thought I had thrown it away but just last year I found it tucked away in the book "Good to Great." I had started reading the book on a vacation to Mexico in Feb 2005 but never finished it. Even though I said I was going to start and finish it last year, I never did. Why? It's not that I don't want to find out what the book says, but I have found Audible works much better for "reading" with my busy schedule. So tonight, I downloaded it onto my Audible account and will listen to it 2017! What do you do when you don't reach a goal? Do you push it aside and just give up? Do you try again with a new approach? Rather than just pushing it aside

Country Heat LIVE Weekly at Lexington Dance Factory

Last June, I top a leap of faith and put my fears aside to become a Country Heat LIVE instructor.  I had never seriously considered being a group fitness instructor. I took fitness classes at the gym in college and thought it looked fun but didn't think I could make it a full-time job.  Then after having kids I could NEVER make it to the gym because I was running them to dance or swim or other fun events around town.  As I sat waiting for my girls to finish dance class in last May, I would be REALLY nice if I could workout while the girls are in class!! Then I received an invitation to become an instructor for a new cardio, dance fitness class and although I didn't know how I would make it all work I decided to go to Nashville and learn something new!! In addition to the LIVE class, Beachbody launched the Country Heat workout program via their On Demand platform which I can stream from my iPhone, iPade, computer, Apple TV and other devices.  I completed t

Small Steps Make a BIG Impact Toward Reaching Goals!!

As the ball dropped last week, were you having a great time or maybe already asleep?!?! Did you  wake up the next morning with several goals for the new year running through your head?!?! You may have thought about all you want to do with the new year ahead, but had no idea where to start!! The key is to think and focus on small steps to achieving those goals!! Small changes add up and create big progress over time!! So where do you start to even think small?!?! Get moving. If you haven't been working out at all...start with 1-2 days a week and then work up to add another day as your schedule allows. Also, add in small ways to add movement like parking farther away, taking the stairs or just getting out of your chair or off the couch each hour. Be mindful of your food. Add more fruits and veggies into your meal plan. Eat slowly and stop when you are full. Limit your sugar intake. Too much sugar can create a risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Cut down on how

Lemon Drop Recipe

This recipe is a WINNER if you do the 3 Day Refresh, be sure to follow it for the Fiber Sweep drink!! Lemon Drop Ingredients 1 cup iced water 1 packet Fiber Sweep Fresh lemon juice (to taste) Ground cinnamon (to taste)