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New Program Alert: 9 Week Control Freak

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New Program Alert: #mbf

A few years ago, I watched this amazing lady introduce her passion for health and fitness on a reality show called, The 20s. Now I am SOOOO excited for the launch of her newest program - #mbf- Muscle Burns Fat! And the most exciting part… it’s really two programs in one - #mbfa (Muscle Burns Fat Advanced) is designed to be completed right after! I am PUMPED for 6 full weeks of new workouts! What is #mbf? Basics: Super Trainer Megan Davies (winner of The 20s and creator of Clean Week) Two 3 week programs designed to be done back-to-back 25-45 minute workouts Set to music so you can push your pace and let the music help drive you to burn maximum calories. 7 days a week: M/W/F- Strength training, T/H- Cardio, Saturday- EMOMs (every minute on the minute), Sunday- Recovery #mbf is consists of two 3-week programs—#mbf Muscle Burns Fat and #mbfa Muscle Burns Fat Advanced—designed to be done back-to-back. #mbf is perfect for beginners and will lead you right into #mbfa.  L

Let's talk about eating out and on the go

Check out the video to hear what I have learned from UPF nutrition about eating out and on the go. I am not perfect with my nutrition, but in the last six years I have learned what best fuels my body. I lost the last 15 pounds after having my girls using this nutrition style and have maintained my results through healthy eating habits and exercise. Tips for eating out & on the go: 1. Drink water before you go, take water with you in the car and order water when you sit down at a restaurant. 2. Check the menu before you leave and decide what you want to order. If there are no veggies on the menu eat a salad or another veggie as a snack at home. 3. Plan in advance. If you know early in the week or at the beginning of the day, adjust your containers so you have the right ones at the end of the day to use at the restaurant. Want to learn more healthy habits tips? Email me about my monthly UPF course and or complete the form to request a spot.

Eating the Rainbow

Does your plate look like a rainbow at each meal? When you sit down at the table, do you have green veggies, yellow carbohydrates and red or white proteins? It's important to eat from the various food groups throughout the day to fuel your body with foods rich with vitamins and nutrients. The nutrition program I follow provides a guideline of how many servings of each food group to eat based on an adult's goal to lose or maintain weight. It also provides a guideline for kids based on their gender, age and weekly activity level. Figuring out the amount of each food group to eat daily is the first step.  Then you need to meal plan and stick with it through tracking to ensure you follow the plan. It's a simple plan but following through can be tough.  That's why we talk about our food and check in daily in the June Fam Fit group . Learning to eat healthier with a group of friends by sharing recipes and ideas is easier than figuring everything out on your ow

Birds of Paradise - Chicken Recipe

Growing up, we ate a lot chicken. Chicken and rice. Chicken and salsa. Chicken casserole. I wasn't sure why we ate so much chicken. I thought it was just because my mom was on a Weight Watchers diet.  She would put the chicken in the oven and then go on a walk.  I always wanted to tag along on my bike. Now I understand. Chicken is quick and easy. Chicken is inexpensive. Chicken can be healthy. Now as a mom I also understand, my mom wanted to on on those walks have some peace and quiet time!

You've got to try this!!

You've got to try this!! It's ok if you don't know much or anything about boxing.  Neither do I. I did complete Core de Force, a martial arts inspired program and kickboxing workouts. However, I know nothing about boxing and yet I've already finished the first two weeks of 10 Rounds and while it wasn't perfect, I would say "I nailed it."  What is 10 Rounds™?  10 Rounds is a boxing program that helps torch fat, melt inches off your waistline, and get lean & mean in just 6 weeks. Super Trainer Joel Freeman leads powerful punching combinations and fast footwork that will result in shocking results. 10 Rounds is built around simple, precise, and effective training principles that emphasize technique, repetition, and intensity to maximize your cardio burn and provide an incredible total body workout. Each week, includes 3 days of boxing training and 2 days of weight lifting workouts that will get you sweaty, shredded, and cut. What makes it

Family friendly meal - pizza casserole

Growing up this was one of my favorite meals and it is now one my my girls and husband’s favorites too. It’s so simple and while not completely clean eating, it is a healthy family friendly dinner choice!   First preheat the oven to 425 or the temp instructed on the pizza crust package. Then cook a pound of meat on the stove and add in some frozen chopped onions and then abou 1/2 a cup of pizza sauce. Spray a casserole dish and then line it with pizza crust, I used the Kroger brand.  Pour the meat over the crust and add your favorite topping. I put only turkey pepperoni on one side for Caroline. Courtney likes olives so I covered half with them and also added mushroom pieces to Matt and my side.  Cook the casserole for all but 4 minutes of the time on the crust instructions. Then add cheese and cook the remaining 4 minutes or until the cheese is melted and crust has a few brown spots.  Serve a portion with salad or fruit and enjoy!