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Showing posts from January, 2015

Taking Steps to Healthy Eating

Do you find eating healthy is difficult and can be expensive??? I know do, so I have tried to take a few steps to make it easier and less expensive for my family.  The first step....MEAL PLAN!!! Sunday mornings, I enjoy browsing recipes in cookbooks or on Pinterest as my husband, Matt and I start to MEAL PLAN for the week.  I have several cookbooks that I reference including Men's Health's "A Man, A Can, A Plan," "A Man, A Can, and a Grill," and "A Man, A Can and a Microwave."   Matt and I have cooked from these books for over 10 years and many of them fall nicely in line with the 21 Day FIX meal guides.  We also use a few Weight Watcher cookbooks, recipes from our parents and of course, Pinterest! Recently I found a Turkey Chili on Pinterest that was fabulous and it was a crockpot meal, so it was easy too!! Here's a picture of me prepping the chili while I watched a UK basketball game! :) As I find recipes such as this one, I enter the i

Beachbody Military Discount program for Active Duty, Retirees & Veterans

As of January 10th, 2015, ANYONE on active orders (and spouse) can utilize the Beachbody Military Discount program and receive a 25% discount on Beachbody products & Shakeology…but there’s MORE!   If you’re a retiree or a veteran that was honorably discharged, you can become a coach FOR FREE —-> INDEFINITELY!    Veterans and retirees submit their DD214 (once) to receive the Beachbody discounts and coaching opportunity (if interested)! Here’s how to get started: Get your proof of service:   Albeit your DD214, MyPay LES, a copy of your orders, etc.  (I *highly* recommend getting a digital copy made by scanning it to your computer). Click here  and click COACH & BE A COACH (twice).   This will take you to Team Beachbody coach enrollment form to get you started.   My name should already be on the form (if you don't see my name, message me). Beachbody will offer Challenge Pack deals during your enrollment process.  I  **highly**   recommend taking advantage of

My 21 Day Fix Journey, Results & Review

I have been asked a lot lately... "How have are you losing weight? "What are you doing?!?!" So here is the story.... At the beginning of the summer of 2014, I began running outside in hopes of losing the last 10 pounds of "baby weight" from my then 2 year old. I wasn't consistent and I didn't really enjoy running, but I couldn't find the time to make it to the gym. Then I noticed a high school friend's post on Facebook that she was working out, losing weight and inches...and fitting into clothes that hadn't fit in years. I  wanted to know what she was I private messaged her & asked for more information.  This was our family Easter picture before I started my Beachbody fitness journey. She responded immediately and began telling me about Beachbody, 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. I scanned her Team Beachbody website and found a large variety of workout program choices. It was VERY overwhelming what to choose, but I k

Diapers are NOT Forever

Caroline's class started "serious" potty training after the holidays.  They are using a sticker reward system, so we are implementing the same at home. Well we really didn't have a choice.  Monday night Caroline came home saying "Potty stickers, potty stickers."  So we went into the playroom closet, found some stickers and a piece of paper....Courtney wrote Caroline's initials on the paper and hung it next to the toilet in their bathroom.  Then the stickers went into the bathroom drawer.   Each night during the bedtime routine or before bath time, Caroline sits on the potty and tries to go, but typically after 2 minutes she hopes off.   It is hard to tell this adorable little face that she doesn't get a sticker, but to make it work, we can't bend the rules!! Luckily she is a good sport about it and like to five stickers just as much as she likes to get them!! When Courtney went to the bathroom Monday night, Caroline insisted we put up anot

Holiday Challenge Group: Provided Support, Accountability & Motivation

We did it!!  We officially finished eight weeks of the Holiday Survival Challenge Group.  I can’t believe the holiday season is almost over!  I thought making it through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s would be difficult, but it wasn’t as bad as I expected.  And I believe that's because the challenge group made me accountable for daily workouts and thinking before I ate each day.  If it wasn’t for others posting their daily results, struggles and triumphs I may have eaten more and worked out less.  So thank you to the Holiday Survival Challenge Group for being part of my first Challenge Group.  I am so excited to step it up with the New Year’s Challenge Group that is currently forming and starts Monday, January 5!!  And now for my results over the last 8 weeks…I am happy to report I was SUCCESSFUL in the “Maintain Don’t Gain” goal.  My weight in November matches the weight I am today!!!  How did I do it??  Each morning, I completed a 21 Day Fix workout and then had