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Showing posts from February, 2015

Pack light but take all the essentials...

As we traved home from Los Cabos, I typed some travel tips to share... 1. Limited # of outfits...only take 1 dress or outfit for each night. I've found to do this I purchase new dresses and outfits in Oct-Dec when they are on sale. Then I have them for our Feb trip and to wear the following summer. My dresses this year came from Figleaf, Bluetique and Old Navy. I also purchased 4 new swimsuits from Old Navy. With a limited number of itms Matt and I only checked one hanging bag and had a carry on each.  2. Organize how you pack..I've found I can get the most in the suitcase when I put shoes on the bottom. Then I fill in spaces with under garments and then place workout short, tanks and pajamas on top. I fill additional gaps with socks and swimsuits and and other items. I wear my tennis shoes to the airport and have one pair of flip flops in the top of the suitcase so I can switch when we land in our warm destination. Dresses, suntan lotion, and toiletries are packed in t

My fitness journey & experiences (June 2014-Feb 2015)

I'm excited to announce that I succeeded and reached my goal weight by vacation!! It wasn't always easy working out at 5am and saying no to treat, snacks and desserts but I did...most of the time...and feel fabulous about the accomplishments!!!  My success didn't happen overnight. I coached myself to success by speaking in positive affirmations daily, setting a goal, tackling the scary things first and getting addicted to it. The more I tackled the hard tasks, the easier they became and the closer I got to the finish line. Here are some things I did and learned during my journey the last 4-7 months.... 1. I knew my goal, knew I could achieve it and believed in myself...I wanted to lose 15 pounds and tone my abs and arms. In the process I wanted to lose inches on my hips and waist. I knew with hard work and being consistent I could achieve it and I believed in myself and told myself daily...I could get up at 5am, workout and feel accomplished.  2 Dig Deep and

Snow Day #1 - Feb 16, 2015

What a fun day with my family!! I started the day with 21 Day Fix Pilates and 10 minute Abs....before anyone else woke up.  Courtney came downstairs about 3 minutes before my ab workout was over.  We sat and talked for about 10-15 minutes and then Caroline started crying on the monitor.  We went and got her out of bed and headed to the kitchen for breakfast.  The girls wanted french toast sticks (frozen from Sam's) and the last Krispy Kreme doughnut that I got Friday for Valentine's weekend.  It wasn't the healthiest meal for them, but they also shared part of a banana.  For me, I had a Strawberry Shakeology shake for breakfast and then cottage cheese and fruit at morning snacktime. We watched a Barbie movie while eating breakfast and had fun taking selfies...Courtney also decided to work on her toe touches right after she finished eating.  While eating my mid-morning snack Caroline asked to play with stickers and Courtney continued to watch her movie.  Once the movie wa

Decide. Commit. Succeed. Lead.

Is there something missing in your life and you are looking for way to help others? Do people come to you for advice or inspiration? Are you someone that has an experience and shares it?Do you need extra income for bills, vacations, home improvements or school loans? Have you ever wanted to be your own boss and start a business, but needed something with a low investment and low risk?  If you said "yes" to at least one of these questions, you may be the next superstar leader and coach with Team Beachbody.  I said yes to several of them and that's why I am writing this tell you more about how and why I became a Team Beachbody Coach...and how I am expanding my leadership skills to pass the coaching experience on to others, like you! After I had my first daughter Courtney, I spent several years trying to get my pre-baby body back. I was almost there and then I got pregnant with Caroline. After Caroline arrived I was determined to lose the weight I had ga

My Insanity Max: 30 Journey Month 1 Review

When I first saw the InsanityMax30 preview, I was intimidated and had no intentions to ever purchase and complete the program.  I had been following the 21 Day Fix meal plan and working out each morning at 5am for 4 months but didn't feel I had the strength or cardio endurance to make it through InsanityMax30.  However, throughout the holidays I watched on FB as others completed the 60 day workout plan and posted that they were increasing their max out times and muscles while decreasing their weight and inches.  Finally, a week before Christmas I decided Santa would be sending me InsanityMax30 and I would complete it before vacation at the end of February. I began the first Cardio Challenge on January first day back to work from a 3 week holiday vacation.  It wasn't easy getting out of bed and starting the workouts that first week, but thanks to my work out buddies texting me and me texting them each morning, I did it.  I followed the modifier for several of the moves