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Decide. Commit. Succeed. Lead.

Is there something missing in your life and you are looking for way to help others? Do people come to you for advice or inspiration? Are you someone that has an experience and shares it?Do you need extra income for bills, vacations, home improvements or school loans? Have you ever wanted to be your own boss and start a business, but needed something with a low investment and low risk?  If you said "yes" to at least one of these questions, you may be the next superstar leader and coach with Team Beachbody.  I said yes to several of them and that's why I am writing this tell you more about how and why I became a Team Beachbody Coach...and how I am expanding my leadership skills to pass the coaching experience on to others, like you!

After I had my first daughter Courtney, I spent several years trying to get my pre-baby body back. I was almost there and then I got pregnant with Caroline. After Caroline arrived I was determined to lose the weight I had gained. I was up several sizes in my clothes and hated having to buy more work clothes in larger sizes.   I was under the impression that I would just have to deal with this after baby body and this was just the way I would always be.

I love my girls and every moment I have with them but I was not happy with my body, my restless sleep and my mood swings. It was affecting my family and I knew I needed to do something about it but life was hectic. I work full-time as a Marketing Manager at the University of Kentucky and when I get home I am busy with house chores...from dinner to baths to laundry and dishes. Although my girls go to bed by 8pm nightly I usually don't get finished with chores until 9pm and then I am too tired to go to the gym. And then I saw a post from a high school friend Lindsay about how she had lost weight after having her son and about joining a Beachbody Challenge Group. 

I sent Lindsay a private message and she told me about 21 Day Fix, Shakeology and clean eating. I went back and forth about whether or not I would buy the workout program and shakes.  I wasn't sure if I had time to add workouts to my busy lifestyle and I had never tried any type of shake before.  But I wanted a change with my body and eating habits, so after toying with the idea for a month and determining I could commit to working out at 5am...I decided to give it a shot and my journey began. After a month friends were asking what I was doing and how I was losing weight. They could already tell my body was changing and so could I!! When asked I couldn't keep it inside...I had to SHARE this with others. I finally found a way to transform my hips & waist, get a great night's sleep and was happy and even more confident with myself. I was making fabulous new friends online and had an ongoing support system and I wanted everyone to know that these support groups and results could be theirs too. 

I became a Team Beachbody coach first for the Shakeology discount but decided the best way to share my results and help others was to take my coaching a step further by hosting Challenge Groups. I wasn't sure if I could find the time to add yet another thing to my busy schedule but I also couldn't keep this information and opportunity from others!! So I announced my 1st a Challenge group in November during the busiest time of the year and I found ways to make it work!!  Again, I work full-time, 5 days a week, it was the beginning of the holiday season, I have a 2 year old and 7 year old, but I started the group and began telling people about it through posts and messages early in the morning, during lunch and after the girls when to bed. I had over 70 people join the group and stay motivated during the holiday season simply through posting quotes and tips on a private facebook group. 

How I started: I really started with just wanting to help the people that were asking me about what I was doing.  But the more I posted, the more people keep asking me and the more I enjoyed helping others.  I started inviting other friends to join the private FB support and accountability groups and I have quickly realized that this was the best opportunity for me to use my leadership skills and share my experiences.  I have been a part of other network marketing companies, but this one by far has the best training and support!!  It also has the best mission and impact on myself and others I share it with!

I started with social media...Facebook & Instagram.  I share my daily post workout pic, fitness tips, meal planning ideas, and just daily activities.  As I put myself out on these social media platforms, people have started asking me for advice on time management, fitness and healthy eating. Becoming a coach has increased my personal accountability and motivated me even more than I could have imagined.  I love hosting the challenge groups and the more I run, the more people I see get results and the more I am motivated to improve my groups and grow myself as a leader. Coaches are encouraged to partake in various personal development through reading, webinars and informational videos.  These continue to enhance my knowledge and expand my leadership skills.

Benefits of Building a Business: This process has also sparked new relationships and rekindled old ones.  It has increased my interactions with friends from high school, college and other past experiences...including the person that we adopted our dog, Kasey from!    It allows me to add value and assist other while contributing additional funds for my family's future vacations and extracurricular activities.  Since the majority of this business is online, I can fit it in my schedule around my full-time career, kids activity schedule and family time.

My next steps:
Now that I have a few months of hosting challenge groups, I am training new coaches based on mentoring I am receiving from the #1 Team Beachbody coach.  In the next few weeks and months I will develop tools, videos and resources to teach new coaches how to successfully do what I am doing. These will be the building blocks for starting a successful business....just as I have started this business from my couch, car and home office early in the morning, during lunchtime and after the girls (and Matt) go to bed at step at a time.  While I have made some sacrifices personally to start and grow the business, it is ALL worth it when I read results from those that I have motivated and helped.  

Reasons to Lead: My mission and goal is to help others that might be reading this that are interested in joining Team Beachbody as a coach.  Maybe you want to start your fitness journey first and join a Challenge Group and then transition into a coach or maybe you have already reached your fitness goals (through a Beachbody program or not) and you want to inspire others to live a healthy life too or maybe you crave to have a new challenge or maybe you want to improve your leadership skills or maybe you want to provide extra income for yourself or your family.  Whatever your reason, I believe you can start a successful business and be a leader with the Dream Team guiding you along the way.
So I'm inviting YOU to join me and my mentor, Melanie,
and let us teach you how to build & lead an amazing business!

What to Expect: My mentoring program begins on Monday, May 4 where I will personally mentor a small group of leaders through a closed online group, 1:1 calls and daily interactions to start laying the foundation of a successful business. My goal is to teach you how to get started, to prioritize what is most important, to manage your time and to make this work while balancing your family, school and/or full time job to help you earn extra income.  It takes a little prioritizing, time management and multi tasking, but I believe each individual can make this business work whatever their situation.  Whether its just a few hours a week or full time, I can help you set goals to meet your lifestyle.  You can truly do as little or as much as you want as a coach.  I'll let you set your pace and match you with the effort!!  I will be your mentor, coach and guide...not your boss or dictator.  The new coach mentoring program can be done from your home with a computer, iPad, iPhone or laptop.  If you have internet access you can build this business!! You will have access to all my and my mentor's documents, scripts, guides, training videos and myself if you join my team.  This will be a small group setting and I give my word that I will be involved in your training.  I want to teach you to inspire others and lead a healthy life, but with balance and passion.

Take the Leap: I know many people are too afraid to take this leap of faith and step out of their comfort zone.  They think it sounds like a decent opportunity but are afraid that they won't make any money at it, will have to sell to friends or won't know who to invite. I wasn't sure at first if I would make enough money to cover my Shakeology, I was afraid people would run away from me because they wouldn't want me to talk about fitness with them.  But I have successfully made more than the cost of my shakes each month and have found people ask me to talk about my workout program and meal plan and how they can incorporate them into their life.

How to Join: Does this sound like something you would like to do?  Are you a leader looking to grow a business? Then I invite you to join my team & the Dream Team!  If you would like more information about coaching on my team please complete the application here and I will contact you in the next 24 hours about your application.
I am only accepting 5 new coaches so don't delay your response!!

Sneak Peak to Coaching: There is a 5 day behind the scenes look into the Dream Team starting April 27... if you would like to know more about coaching on the Dream Team. You can ask questions in a closed group, get answers about what it means to be a Beachbody Coach and receive info on different topics through the week to be more educated about the decision to join the Dream Team.  Email me at or PM me on Facebook to participate in the "Behind the Scenes" group.

Live Info Call: Melanie will also host a live call on to explain what Team Beachbody Coaching is all about and how you can build this business on social media and from home.  She'll also go over what the company provides, how you can be successful, and what to do to get started.  There will be a live Q & A on the call.  Are you interested in listening?  Email me at or message me on Facebook for the log in info.

More Info: I look forward to having you as the newest coach on my team and the Dream Team.  We are a family of coaches...currently the #1 team in the organization and have an excellent tract record of providing quality service, support and training to everyone that joins the team!! You won't be left out on your own to figure the business out.  If you are interested, email me at or private message me on FB and complete the application here.


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