Matt went outside 3 times today to shovel and blow snow. Everytime he came in and less than 30 minutes later the sidewalk and driveway were covered again. He spent almost a hour outside from 5pm-6pm as the heaviest snow feel in the afternoon. Thankful he has the snow blower so he didn't have to shovel each time...he has been having back issues and this would have really upset it!!
Courtney, Caroline, Kasey and I stood at the door watching Matt shovel and blow the snow. The girls really wanted to go outside and play today, but Matt's chores took longer than expected and by the time he was finished, his feet were numb.
After lunch the girls played school in the family room. Courtney brushed Caroline's hair and gave her lots of dirctions. Caroline only cared that she always had her backpack and pretty much did whatever Courtney asked. After playing school, we played nail salon and the girls got much needed manicures and pedicures. Of course I was so busy doing theirs that my nails didn't get done, but they will...before the end of the week!! After nails were complete we headed back to the basement and Courtney played a fabulous song she created on her guitar.
While Courtney rocked it out on her guitar, I continued prepping for the Lil Lambs consignment sale. It can be hard work, but thanks to the snow days, I think I will get it all entered into the system!! After signing, the girls played with blocks and built a little city and a tower.
It was a fun day and we will do it all over again tomorrow as school has already been cancelled for all three of us. Hopefully Extended School Program will be open later in the week...UK will most likely open on Thursday and I'll need someone to care for the girls.
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