Have you seen my posts on Facebook or Instagram about me following or "cheating" on my meal plan and wondered...."What does she mean by meal plan?"

It is very important when exercising and trying to lose weight that you eat 5-6 small healthy meals per day. This helps you to keep your blood sugar levels steady. It also helps you body maintain its muscle mass and
fuels your body for your daily activities.
Several Beachbody programs follow a portion control meal planning guide originally from 21 Day Fix that
suggests how many servings of various food groups to have each day. For instance, I have 3 veggies, 2 fruits, 4 proteins, 2 starches and a healthy fat each day. What you eat is just as important as how much you eat!! Starving yourself is NOT a healthy way to lose weight!! So let's take a look at what I eat throughout the day.....
ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It starts your metabolism and prepares your body ready for daily activities. If you are not losing weight it could be because you are not eating a healthy breakfast with complex carbs and protein. Also, make sure you always pair complex carbs and protein at every meal. Check out this breif explanation of why you should pair your foods strategically together for desired results!!
For breakfast each morning I have a Shakeology shake.
My typical recipe is:
1 scoop Strawberry Shakeology
1/2 banana
1 tsp PB2
drinking. So you only have one bottle a day to clean and not a huge blender bowl!! AMAZING!
Morning Snack & Lunch
You'll typically find me eating 1 of 2 morning snack options. Either strawberries & grapes with cottage cheese or an Egg Beater with cheese either in a bowl or on a slim bagel....these are MUCH healthier choicescompared to the donuts, pasteries, cookies and other items that are brought into work or that my daughters want me to purchase for them!
At lunch, I typically always have a spinach salad with cherry tomatoes and either celery, cauliflower or cumcumbers. In addition, I'll bring leftover meat from the night before or have a Lean Cusine box (not the best option, but better than other things I could choose!!)
Afternoon Snack:
Around 2pm I typically start getting hungry again and head for either another veggie like cauliflower, carrots,or celery and hummus. Or if I am craving another fruit I will have and apple...this typically happens on HEAVY workout days when I do 21 Day Fix Extreme or Insanity Max30. If I get a craving for a sweet, I typically have Shakeology No Bake Cookies so that I avoid the other snacks tempting me around the office!!
Dinner usually includes some type of meat like chicken, fish, pork chops or steak.Matt is great about grilling especially in the summer. Then we will have either rice or potatoes and a veggies. The girls also like
hamburgers, sloppy joes, taco night and pasta!!
If I am still hungry in the evenings I will have peanutes, sunflower seeds or almonds and most nights I will have a hot tea to drink!Green tea has these awesome natural antioxidants that help to fight off hunger and shed your body of toxins!
For a weeks worth of meals click here to join
a 5 Day Sneak Peek to Healthy Eating Group!
Message me for customized meal plans and additional ideas!
I'd love to help you reach your weight loss goals!
And remember....
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