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My CIZE Challenge | August 2015

This post was updated daily like a journal with my daily thoughts and videos from my workout.  In the end I hope you can see improved dance moves and toned abs :)  My goal was to complete the 8 minute ab workout at least every other day during the challenge and in the last week and a half I did abs each day before the dance workout!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

I am ready to get the Challenge started!! My alarm went off at 5:05am and I popped out of bed.  My clothes were waiting for me since I set them in the closet the night before.  After lacing up my shoes, I quietly creaped downstairs, turned on the TV and pushed play via Roku.  I love not having to determine which CD to use and wait for it to load.

This was actually my 3rd or 4th time doing Crazy 8s, so I was already familiar with some of the moves, but at 5am in the morning it was a refresher and I didn't feel my body was loose.  After dancing for 30 minutes I had just enough time to complete the 8 minute ab workout before heading to shower.  Man, those 8 minutes were NOT easy.  Shaun T delivers a killer ab workout that I plan to do every other day to help tone my abs this month!!

Have a great Monday!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Crazy8s Take was harder  this morning... I hit snooze, but got up about 2-3 minutes after the alarm went off.  Same routine of putting on my clothes that I had laid out last night and tip toed through the bedroom & family room to the basement   I filled my water bottle, sent a text to my 5am workout buddies and got started.  The moves came easier today and I even stood in front of the french doors to watch myself rather than watching Shaun T the entire time. Unfortunately I didn't get to the ab workout...I was a few minutes behind and my 16 year old Begal, Kasey was barking :(   Oh well, my goal is every other day, so I WILL try hard to get up with the alarm tomorrow and hope the dog sleeps in!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Last day of Crazy8s!! This workout has been great for teaching the moves and I feel like I am getting a little better each day!! I woke up this morning and was sore...didn't expect it from dancing, but Shaun T provides a great workout without you even realizing it because you are focused so much on the moves!!   

Thursday, August 20, 2015

First day of "You Got This." fo this challenge.  Although it's not my first time doing this workout.  This one was actually featured on Beachbody's Club Membership via On Demand.  Did you know you can get a 30 day trial of Beachbody On Demand and try several workouts including CIZE at no cost?  Create an account and check it out at  Trying a few workouts can help you decide which one you want to do for the next challenge!!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Today we are taking the girls to Kings Island so I took a break from CIZE today and did 21 Day Fix Yoga. This trip is being paid for from my Beachbody business and that is part of the reason I pay for extra family fun activities.  I also pay for my daughters' dance classes and shopping adventures so we can use my full-time salary to pay for the non-fun things like monthly expenses.  Of course there will be some non-fun things that my Beachbody business can also assist with such as braces and batteries for the golf cart.  

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Well we closed down the amusement park last night!!  Luckily it closed at 10pm so we were in the hotel and bed by 11:30pm!!  Of course the girls were up at 7:30am and ready for breakfast and cartoons!!   The hotel breakfast was enjoyed by all and not completely off of my meal plan.  The girls had waffles, yogurt and cereal.  I had had a boil egg, cereal and yes a few bites of waffle.  Then we came back to the room for showers and the girls played on the iPad and Innotab while I used my iPadMini to stream CIZE from Beachbody On Demand.  Today I moved to "Full out" because I only had 35 minutes!! I actually did this workout at Super Saturday and tried it when I first got the DVDs in July, so I already had a head start on it :)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

We made it back home yesterday and went to the, it was a fabulous day...and the pool wasn't too crowded!!  This morning was my final day of "You Got This."   Happy to have one more day of a routine that I didn't have to think much about!!  At the end of this video, you will see I got a little reward :) 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Want to see how Shaun T works his magic and repeat the movements over and over to teach the workouts and get you to sweat.  Here's a little preview.  His other trick is practicing from the beginning each time he teaches an 8 count so you really build on the 30-40 second routine and it gets your heart rate pumping!!. Here are a few moves from "Full Out" 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Last day of "Full Out."  I really liked this workout and finally think I got "The Manny."

Sunday, August 30, 2015
The great thing about the CIZE workouts is Shaun T gives step-by-step instructions on each move and repeats them over and over.  This help learn on the first day and continue to improve each day the workout is performed.  And in the process it also provides a fabulous full body workout.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Isn't it fun to see the workouts done with different music!?!?!? The music selection on the DVDs are current and fun, but then making this video and getting the moves to piece together to other songs is even more fun!!  I love how this worked out!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
I still need some work on the end of this routine, but I'll be honest.  I started doing abs before the workout and then didn't have time to complete the entire workout before having to get ready for the day.  And you can tell when you don't practice the last few steps!!!  This is why the calendar is set up to practice each routine several times before moving to the next one!  However I must say I LOVED the ab workout first as it woke me up at 5:15am and got me ready to dance so early in the morning!!

Friday, September 4, 2015
Although the last one wasn't perfect, I moved on to the next dance to continue with my 21 Day Challenge schedule.  I totally understand why this is a 30-60 day workout plan now...21 days was too short of a timeframe to learn all the dances.  I really needed more than 3 days on the last few dances, but I wanted to see how it would work in 21 days so I moved on.  Here I am learning the first few 8 counts of this workout.

Saturday, September 5, 2015
Getting better at the beginning, but tripping all over the place toward the end.  I love the "Hurry up" move and the "clap, clap!!"

Sunday, September 6, 2015
Look at how much better this one is compared to a few days ago!!  It's not perfect, but it looks much better and I not falling all over the place.  I was able to make it through all the way to the end!!  I think this is my favorite workout of all the CIZE workouts and will definetly go back to this one to make it better!!

Monday, September 7, 2015
Oh yea, this was a HOT MESS!!! This is all I'll post on this one!!  I totally need to go back to this one and give it another shot, but my 21 days are up and it's hard for me to do a 50 minute workout during the week...I was only able to do this on a Monday because it was Labor Day.  I'll try it on the was a challenge and good cardio just had new moves and moved a little faster than the others.

Now that my 21 Day CIZE Challenge is over, I've moved back to 21 Day Fix and I'll be honest while I love lifting and the variety of 21 Day Fix I miss CIZE!!! I think I am going to incorporate the two and do a CIZE workout tomorrow instead of Cardio!! It's hard to see in this picture but I did lose a 1/2 inch in my waist during the 21 days and I feel that my abs have a little more definition :)

What do you think...are you ready to join my next 21 Day CIZE Challenge?  
If so, fill out my online form and then PM me on Facebook or email me at

My Beachbody journey began in June 2014 when I purchased a 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack.

As a mom of two precious princess girls, Courtney and Caroline, I found it hard to make it to the gym even 1 day a week.  I work full-time, the girls take dance classes, Courtney plays soccer and is on the swim team, plus during the school year there is a little bit of homework throughout the week.  To get everyone packed and ready for the gym took 30 least...and then I only stayed for 30-45 minutes and did the same Cardio machines each week.  My body wasn't getting a challenge so I needed to find something that would focus on different muscle groups each day...and that I could do daily.

My friend, Lindsay, posted about her 21 Day Fix she worked out daily for 30 minutes and had fabulous results.  I sent her a private Facebook message to get more info and ask questions.  I decided to purchase the workout myself and got started in an online private Facebook support group in August 2014.  After my 1st 21 Days, 5-8 pounds were gone and I could already see a change in my hips and waist. I'll admit I wasn't completely following meal plans in that 1st round...I was trying to figure out the containers and get a system in place to determine what to eat each day.   

In my 2nd 21 Days I lost another 5 pounds and noticed my size 8 shorts were falling off and the size 6 shorts were loose!! I was finally able to fit back into clothes that had not fit for 7 years...such as the black dress belwo.  I started making weekly meal plans during my 2nd round but only followed them about 70-80% due to football tailgates, fall festivals and other fall activites that we attended.  

Over the holidays, I continued my daily workouts and followed the meal plan guide about 60%.  I had tons of temptations at work and with holiday potlucks and events!!  I got serious again in January as I had a vacation scheduled in February.  So I followed the Insanity Max30 workout and meal plan about 90%.  

Then in February I switched to 21 Day Fix Extreme and even got to do workouts and abs the week before vacation due to snow days.  I hit my goal just before vacation...I was down 20 pounds from the beginning and 4 pant sizes!!!

Throughout the spring and summer, I switched between DVD workouts and On Demand workouts.
Beachbody has 100s of workouts available online through their Club Membership and it is FABULOUS!!

CIZE was released in July and I started my 1st CIZE Challenge August 17.
Here is a look from June 2014 to August 2015. 

Want more info about my support groups or mentoring to be a coach yourself??
If so, fill out my online form and then PM me on Facebook or email me at


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