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Saying goodbye to a busy month...preparing for the start of the Holiday Season...REALLY?!?!?

September began with the last 2 weekends of pool seasons.  We closed it out in style...being at the pool as much as we could...Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday of Labor Day weekend.  It was sad to say good-bye to a wonderful summer!!

With summer behind us, there are so many options for the fall in Kentucky...
 there is rarely a dull moment!!
For our family we checked several of these items off in September and will continue with the fall bucket list in October!!  

Another round of 21 Day Fix started for me in September.  I was up each weekday morning at 5:30am doing Cardio, weightlifting, Yoga or Pilates.  Then after showering and getting ready, I got the kids breakfast and blended my Shakeology shake.  With school in full swing, Courtney and Matt headed to the bus stop around 7am and Caroline and I waved as it drove by at 7:07am.  On the weekends I woke up by 6:30am to ensure my 30 minute workout was complete before the girls woke up at 7am.  They are early risers and like to have breakfast by 8am...even on the weekends!!

Soccer practice started on Thursday nights and with the nice weather, Caroline and I tagged along.  We had fun little picnic dinners at the soccer field and enjoyed playing catch or kicking the purple ball.  Oh and we also watch Courtney's team practice!! 

It's FOOTBALL time in the bluegrass!!!  It's amazing to say that UK has already won 3 games!!!  Typically by now everyone is ready for basketball season.  People ARE camping out this week for basketball practice, but I would guess they are talking about football just as much as basketball this year.  We haven't been to a football game yet...they have all been 7:30pm games and that's just too late for this momma and these princesses but we have tailgated and had lots of fun at the catwalk and hanging out with friends.  

After staying up late on Saturday nights, I still got up on Sunday mornings for Yoga and then headed to church after a Shakeology breakfast and fruit and cottage cheese snack.  It wasn't easy getting up at 7am after staying up late, but I was dedicated to my 21 Day Challenge and knew I had more than 1 cheat during the week with the soccer picnic and tailgate. 

We celebrated Courtney's birthday in September with not just 1 but 2 birthday parties.  She wanted a birthday slumber party with 3-4 girlfriends, but we still needed a family party, so we did the Inside Out family party the Saturday before her birthday.

 What a lucky girl....she even got to pick her favorite restaurant for her birthday dinner. Her choice was Saul Good for chocolate covered popcorn. Yes, I had to partake in the is SOOOO good.  For dinner the girls shared a hamburger.  We had nachos for an appetizers and salads for our     "main" course.  Needless to say this was NOT on my meal plan and was a little more than a normal cheat meal.  Regardless, I enjoyed it and celebrated my baby girl turning 8 years old!

The Friday after her birthday, Courtney invited 4 friends to her slumber party.  These girls had a BIG time.  They started with pizza and crafts on the porch.  Then bounced on the bouncy house and played on the swing set.  After it got dark, they dressed up and then had games in the kitchen. I printed out some cute descendant games including a matching game, what's different and dual dots.  After games, they enjoyed cupcakes and then headed to the basement to play, watch the movie Descendants and then lights were out by 11am.  The next morning the girls were up at 7am watching shows and ready for breakfast.  By 9am all were gone expect one that went with us to the soccer field for an early morning game!

After the soccer game, I headed back to the basement to clean and got my workout in to stay on track with my workouts....and again work off the bad food I had consumed at the party.  Man was that pizza good!!

The next day, we headed to Spindletop Country Club for the UK Alumni Fall Festival.  Our first fall festival of the season and it was the perfect day for it! Caroline loved the hayride but said her 1st pony ride was her favoirte!!

I loved watching the girls paint their pumpkins.  They were so focused and determined!! Luckily it wasn't too busy and they were able to take their time and spend 10 minutes on their masterpieces!!

After games, crafts and face painting, it was not surprise that Caroline feel asleep in the car on the way home.  So we stopped at Costco for Matt to run in for hamburger meat for dinner. 

It was a busy month with work during the week and fun family time on the weekend.
As we look towards October, I expect it to only get busier!! 
Thankfully I had a wonder Accountability Group to keep me on track with my workouts!
Although I didn't stick to my meal plan 100%, I was able to maintain my weight and even lose a few inches. 

Now as October begins, are you ready for the beginning of the holiday season?
Where do you want to be in 10 weeks when we ring in 2016?
Would you rather average gaining or losing 1 pound a week?

I am co-hosting a "Candy Crusher" Support and Accountability Group where I will share  the tips and tricks that have worked for me!  I will support, encourage and cheer you on to becoming a stronger version of the AWESOME person that you already are!  

Does that sound like something you would like to do?

If so...let me further explain how to join....
I'll create a closed online Facebook Support Group.
Only those committed to the challenge will be added to the closed group! 
Each person is required to make me their free coach on TeamBeachbody.  
You can do that here:  Create A Free Account  
Then you can review the different workouts and we will discuss your fitness level and preferences of workouts for the challenge.

Next you must commit to replacing 1 meal or nack a day with Shakeology.  

Either breakfast, lunch or dinner....It's truly whatever meal you struggle with most. Shakeology is not a protein is a high quality, nutrient dense meal that has the right protein and carbohydrate ratio to keep you full for 2 and a half to 3 hours.  You can still use your protein powders post workout or as a supplement but this is different, shakeology is a meal. I find that people get better results, have decreased cravings for sweets, and you overall healthier when they include Shakeology in their meal plan!  It's the nutrition we typically do not get in a day and it's in one glass. 

The preseason will start on October 19. We will discuss goals and you will receive small assignments like taking measurements and before pictures. I will explain how to plan your meals and provide healthy snack, dinner and lunch suggestions.  Together we will work to give you a well rounded healthy balanced meal plan and workout schedule.  
The program is 4 weeks long!  You are required to check in daily to the group and report your progress with your food and your workouts. 

  • Does this sound like something you would like to do?
  • If you are interested please complete the application below to be considered for a spot in the group.
  • Space is limited and it's first come first to commit get the spots.

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