Was being in the consignment sale worth it? Well I sold over 50 items and made $188. Yes, it took me 4-5 hours to organizing, price and tag the items and I volunteered for 3 hours so it took about 10 hours total of my time. However, I would have spent the same or more time having a yard sale and probably would have made $20, so in my opinion, it WAS worth it!!
Was the dance competition worth it? Driving back and forth to Louisville was hectic Friday Courtney had to leave school early and I only worked 2 hours. She competed with her trio at 3pm and they received a gold rating. They did a fabulous job and were so excited with their performance and to watch their friends. We had dinner with other dance friends before returning home to Lexington. It was hectic but dancing and being on stage is what she loves to do and it builds her confidence so it was TOTALLY WORTH it!!
Was working out daily worth it? Waking early each morning isn’t easy. I would like to sleep in, but I know working out will gets my blood pumping, wakes me up and is a step in making myself healthy. The 30-60 minutes of exercise and time alone in the morning
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