It takes a special person to work at a daycare and spend day after day with little ones. It takes patience to teach them right from wrong. It takes consistency to keep them on track to grow and learn.
I love being a mom to my two girls, but I also love working full-time and using my creativity during the day through events and communication documents that I coordinate and the university. I enjoy having quiet time at my desk and being able to have lunch with friends and Matt. No, it isn't fun setting the alarm clock for 5am and having to battle everyone out the door each morning, but as I arrive at daycare and think about all I have accomplished in the almost 3 hours each morning, I am amazed at myself.
Then I walk Caroline into her room and give her a kiss and she runs over to the window to watch as I head out the door, wave and leave in the car. She is excited each day to see her friends and learn. She doesn't always want to leave in the afternoons. I love my time with my girls, but I also love my time on my own. I love that she learns from others and has amazing opportunities like watching butterflies grow and communicating properly with teachers. She is getting grade school ready but also having fun!!
Here are some of the things I love about her going to daycare.
2. She gets to run around and release lots of energy in the gym.
3. She has weekly library time and the teachers read to her daily.
4. She has weekly chapel where she learns about God and Jesus' love for us.
5. Most of her day is spent playing with 15-20 friends
6. Although it's not her favorite time, she has rest/nap time each day.
7. She is also learning letters, numbers and colors!!
8. She has a weekly Spanish class!
9. She gets to paint, do crafts and play with play-doh
10. There are 3 teachers in her room that are passionate about kids and love to teach them!
When I was younger, I thought I wanted to be a grade school teacher or a librarian. However, once in college I found a Marketing path that was right for me. During one of my first interviews I was asked if I would want to stay at home when I had kids...it was an inappropriate questions, but I knew my answer. No...I did not want to stay home with kids...I wanted to have 2 kids and send them to daycare while I contributed to our family. Sometimes being a Stay at Home Mom crosses my mind as something that would be cool to do, but then we have a holiday or snow day and I'm home just counting down the minutes to get back to work. It's not that I don't love them....it's just the way I am wired. I was wired to be a working mom and as my fitness business continues to group, I will continue to be a working mom with a "side" business.
One day I may grow my business to the point where staying at home is feasible, but even then, my girls will be in school during the day while I work on the mission at hand. Daycare teachers and teachers in general are incredible, I am amazed daily at the passion I see from teachers, especially those at my daughters' schools! Thank you to all the Teachers for your amazing dedication to our future leaders!!
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