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Miracle Morning Challenge

Another amazing family weekend started with friends and family at the Andover Country Club pumpkin carving and hayride.  The girls had a great time with us and their friends tooo.  Caroline loved the hayride but Courtney said it wasn't scary enough.

Saturday morning Caroline had her last soccer game and got a medal.  She was so proud of it she wanted to wear it the rest of the weekend...even to the pumpkin patch and church.  Courtney went to Richmond for the EKU Homecoming game.  She got to walk in the pre-game walk with the dance team since she went to the dance clinic the week before.  RiRi and PaPa brought her home and watched the 1st half of the exciting UK game...down to the last seconds and UK pulled out the win!!

Sunday we went to church and I taught children's church with Courtney's help.  I still get anxious when I teach children's church.  I don't know why...I am fine when I am in the class but I always worry I won't get their attention and it will get out of control.  However, they always seem to enjoy it and have fun...even doing the simple things like coloring and stickers.

After church we had lunch at Jalenpeno's which wasn't the best choice before leading Country Heat LIVE.  I had a full tummy and it wasn't as easy to move around, but I made it through!! I know for the future to eat lighter lunches though especially on Sunday's!!

After dance, I did my fruit and veggie prep for the week and then we went to the Centenary trunk or treat.  Caroline dressed as Izzy from Jack and the Neverland Pirates and Courtney was a dancer.  It was an amazing day weather wise!! Caroline loved getting candy and seeing all her friends.  Courtney's favorite part was making and eating smores!!

This week I'm starting my Miracle Morning challenge.  I am going to start each morning with and entry in my journal or blog, have some silence and reflection time and complete my workout.  It's going to be a busy week, but starting each morning with this routine will get me focused for the day!

There is still time to join the challenge...for more info email me at or message me on Facebook!!


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