Not only did I want to lose inches in my waist and hips for my clothes to fit better but I also wanted increase energy and confidence. I wasn't able to get to the gym more than once a week due to the gym daycare schedule and activities with my girls. I tried walking outside but never saw results which caused emotional eating of ice cream each night.
Then a friend posted her results from a workout program she was doing at home. It was a 21 day challenge which included 30 minute daily workouts and a portion control meal plan.
I asked her for more details and researched about the shakes. I couldn't find any major red flags so I decided to try it knowing there was a 30 day money back guarantee. After the 1st round, I was obsessed!! I loved the trainer and the workouts. I was sore each day and it felt great!! I lost 5-8 pounds in the first 21 days and 5-8 more in the next 21. After 3 months I went shopping and purchased clothes 2 sizes smaller than I had been wearing. I felt great and had gained energy and confidence. I was obsessed with the workout and wanted to share it with everyone so they could have the opportunity to experience their own transformation! Now three years later, my trainer, Autumn is creating new workouts. This week it's A Little Obsessed and in January it will be 80 Day Obsession. After the first day, I know home workouts is where my heart is and I'm obsessed with this new program!!
Each workout is under 30 minutes and focuses on your abs and booty!! I think it’s safe to say that I am hoping to gain in my booty during this program!!
What do I need?
You will need light, medium, and heavy dumbbells, these booty bands and these sliders for the week. Keep them out because you will need them for the full 80 Day Obsession program too!
Want to see some results?
Everyone is different but if you follow Autumn’s nutrition plan and specific workout routines you will see results even in just 7 days!
Here are some results from my fellow coaches in the 80 day Beta group!! They will blow your mind!
Ready to start your own transformation?
Are you ready to join my fall fit club, become obsessed and see the results you know are possible?
I have a closed group of friends that are ending 2017 strong as they prepare for this 80 day obsession that will lead into spring break. I know that seems like a long way away but to get to the results you want for next year, you need to start now!!
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