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Opportunity is Knocking...Open the door...

A year ago, I started running more outside. The days were longer and I knew the pool would be opening soon, so I tried to increase the intensity of my workouts from a walk to a run. It lasted maybe a week and then it got "too hot." I tried to go to the gym nightly but by the time I got the girls to bed I was either too tired and just hit the couch or went to the gym but only did 30 minutes on cardio machines. I wasn't seeing any change on the scale or with my clothes.
Then my friend Lindsay posted a "before and after" picture from her results with 21 Day Fix. I instantly messaged her for info, but then pondered about it for several weeks. The pool opened and I sat next to my stunning friend Ella who informed me that I was to no longer wear tankini's...I needed to wear bikini's. She was sweet as could be...saying I looked great as a mom with 2 kids. Well, I wasn't uncomfortable wearing a bikini, but I knew if I worked out hard, I could get results and look better. So I went back to Lindsay and ordered the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack and joined a Challenge Group.

The first week the group discussed goals and meal planning. The 2nd week, I had my meal plan ready to go and woke up each morning at 5 am and completed my workout. I logged onto the Support Group FB page and posted my progress and then saw all the notifications throughout the day from others posting. These notifications became reminders to stick to my meal plan throughout the day.The 3rd week, Lindsay reminded me that my Shakeology would ship soon and asked if I wanted to become a preferred customer to receive a discount and save $15 a month. I knew I wanted Shakeology every month and didn't want to pay full price so getting a discount sounded good. I told Lindsay I had no interested in running my own Challenge Groups and she let me know that was fine, it was what Beachbody called a Discount Coach and there are no sales requirements.
After the 1st Round of 21 Day Fix, I had lost 5 pounds and a short size. In the next 21 days I lost another 5 pounds. People started to ask what I was doing and how I was losing all the weight so despite what I told Lindsay, I started my own challenge group in November to help people "Maintain and Not Gain" during the holidays.  I was scared at first to host my own challenge group and wasn't sure if anyone would to join.  I posted about my support group and to my surprise I had several people interested in joining.  Then I had to put it together and figure out how to make it meaningful and worthwhile.Thankfully Beachbody has fabulous training and documents to help guide coaches through hosting support groups and they provide templates for daily posts.

Hosting  groups take time, but there are tons of resources from Beachbody, the Dream Team and online that help make it manageable and possible...even with having a full-time job. There are weekly training calls and private FB training groups that I have participated in to develop myself as a coach and duplicate what other coaches have done to be successful.

After hosting the first challenge group, I decided to make goals for my next Challenge Group to enhance it  and help more people. I began seeking out ideas from other coaches and found those on our BIG team, The Dream Team, were eager to help each other succeed.Being part of the #1 team, the Dream Team, in all of Beachbody means there are fabulous leaders to lean on and gain ideas and support!!
I continued with Beachbody's 3 vital behavior by working out each morning, listening to books on Audible in the car and inviting friends and new people I meet online and in person through work, other friends and just being out and about.  I am learning to use Social Media to enhance my business and started this blog to share my experiences.  I try to be interesting on Facebook and Instagram with a GOAL to inspire and motivate others in their fitness journey.

Over the past 9 months, I have committed myself to my personal fitness and for the past 6 months I have been committed to helping others create and work toward their goals.  Now I am helping others determine if coaching is a fit for them.

There isn't one type of person that Beachbody coaching is right for...Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, Lawyers, Marketing Managers, Administrative Assistants, Fitness Instructors, Stay at Home Moms, Students...anyone can start and learn how to be a Beachbody Coach.  This opportunity helps keep you accountable to your fitness goals while providing income. 
Over 300,000 people throughout the US and Canada have become coaches for various stay motivated and accountable, to help others on their fitness journey, to provides extra income for dance classes, vacation and paying off mortgages or to build relationships and reconnect with friends.

Each coach chooses how little or much time is put into the business. 
I put 1-2 hours per day into my business and it is growing as I am consistent everyday with inviting others to join my challenge group and my team.  My goal this year is to become a Diamond Coach by helping others and to pay for dance classes, swim team, and a renovation on our deck. Others work the business 6-8 hours a day and are focused on being the Top Coach in the my mentor, Melanie Mitro  My intensity might increase in the future or I might stay at this same pace...the great thing is I get to choose and Beachbody rewards coaches at all levels!!
So Monday, Melanie...who is the founder of "The Dream Team" and the #1 Beachbody Coach is starting a "5 day Sneak Peak called What is a Beachbody Coach." This will be a closed Facebook Group where only members of the group can see the posts and comments.  Melanie will post videos and information each day on....

1. How she  got started
2. What Coaching is all about and what Coaches actually do 
3. How to grow a network and find customers using social media
4. How to make money as a coach & the time commitment involved
5. How to get started, the cost and what to do first.
Everyone in the group will be able to ask questions and hear from the Top Beachbody Coach how to build a business with little to no experience with fitness and/or social media.
Are you interested...even a little bit... to learn more??? This is a free, no obligation group.  To be added to the private group, complete this form and then private message me and I will add you to the Sneak Peak group!! 
Beachbody Coach, Coach Training, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Successful Coach, Dream Team, Elite Training, Systems, New Coaches
5 Day Sneak Peak of Dream Team Coaching

Melanie is also hosting a live webinar on Tuesday May 19th at 8:00 pm EST to go over in depth my story as a coach, how she built her business, what a coach does, how to earn a significant income, how to balance your time, family, fitness and business and also to go more in depth on how her team has a system for training, for getting you started right and helping you to achieve your goals!  

Beachbody Coach, Coach Training, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Successful Coach, Dream Team, Elite Training, Systems, New Coaches

If you would like to join this call message me to get the link!

You will register for the call, log in and listen and see Melanie speak!  You have the option to use the chat bar to ask questions during the call as well!  I hope you can make it!

Lastly, I strive to have each coach get started right!  Each person is unique and has their own goals and desires, so there is no cookie cutter mold for getting a coach started and the process different for each person.

As a new coach you have a few options.... You can sign up to be a discount coach or "preferred customer" and receive 25% off everything you purchase as a coach.  You can be in my challenge groups, work on your own fitness journey, your story and then you can either become an active coach helping others to reach their goals or continue being a discount coach!  

Your other option is to become an active business building coach.  In that case, I would plug you into our weekly training calls, my new coach apprenticeship program where basically for 30 days I will mentor you in a small group setting and through 1:1 calls teach you exactly how I got my business up and running.  I will cover topics like:

1.  How to launch your business
2.  How to invite
3.  How to share vs sell
4. How to grow your social network and find people.
5.  How to earn money, reach goals and hit success club in the first 30 days.

I won't throw you out there to figure it out on your own.  My goal is to provide you with a duplicate system that works, that brings you success so that you don't have to re-invent the wheel!!  
You get access to all of the Dream Team's documents, guides, scripts, resources and call recordings.  Melanie is very hands on with her team and and their teams and no matter what rank in the company she helps every coach to be successful!!! I couldn't have built my team working only part-time hours without all of the resources she and Beachbody has provided.

I will kick off my New Coach group on Monday June 8th with a limited number of spots.  If this sounds like something you would like to do then now is the time to get started!!!  

Please complete my coach application to be selected for 1 of the 10 spots on my team and in the June 8th New Coach Apprenticeship Program!!!

For me it all started the decision to share what worked for me in order to help others and grow myself!  If you are feeling stuck in life and are looking to make a change then I want YOU on my team!  I am seeking independent, motivated leaders that are goal setters to  join my team!!!  I will teach you what you need to know to get started and point you in the right direction for everything I don't know.  I am not an expert and I am not perfect, but this opportunity doesn't require experts the most successful coaches are TEACHABLE and KIND and want to help others!


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