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Girls Trip to Nashville Tennessee

There are so many things I enjoy about being a Beachbody coach including the events and opportunities to meet others!! I am a social butterfly (surprise) and REALLY enjoy attending and hosting events!! That's why I host girls' night at my house monthly and send invites to join me at the quarterly Super Saturday events!! Here are a few pictures of me from the last Super Saturday event in Georgetown Kentucky!! We had a great time working out with The Master's Hammer and Chisel, Chisel Cardio workout. Plus we samples several Shakeology recipes and watch as Gina demonstrated how to make the Chicken Salad recipe from the Fixate cookbook!!

Angela and Gina are coaches I met online. They coordinate the majority of the Super Saturday event and do a wonderful job hosting a fabulous event!! Mark your calendar for the next Super Saturday on April 2, 2016!

Several of my friends joined me for the Super Saturday event in January.
Thanks for coming out Sherry, Jane, Jayme, Kris and Rachel!!

But at the TOP of the list is the Girl's Weekend to Nashville, TN for Summit (Beachbody's Annual Leadership Connference) that Sherry and I took last July!! Amazing speakers shared ways to grow not only as a coach but a mom, leader at UK and person overall.

Sherry and I left on Wednesday afternoon and traveled to Nashville. We had a fun little road trip and made great time getting to our hotel where we met Melinda and Ashley K.

After getting settled in our hotel, we decided to venture out for dinner downtown on Broadway.
It wasn't easy but we finally decided on a restaurant and found a table, right next to the stage!!

Thursday we woke up and I was named the Shakeology Chef for the weekend. I blended shakes for everyone's breakfast before we headed out for the Dream Team's Recipe for Success Training.

At the training we met several of the Dream Team's top leaders and heard tips from them on how to grow our own business by learning from their experiences.

Every coach goes through similar struggles from overcoming fears to stepping out of comfort zones and learning how to work the business around busy schedules.

Sometimes we lose focus on why we even starting coaching and have to be reminded that we are all here with different dreams and goals, but overall we all want to help others and ourselves live healthier lives.

Being a coach isn't always's takes work and dedication, just like anything else, but
if you stay consistent, have faith and dream BIG, you too can succeed!!

After the training we took some fun pictures and then headed upstairs for a reception to meet more coaches and leaders.

At the opening ceremonies we heard about upcoming programs and saw several coaches being recognized for their achievements!! I decided I wanted to be recognized at the next conference and made a commitment to help 3-5 people a month start a new workout program and join my monthly challenge group.

As an incentive for reaching my goals I earned a photo opp with 3 of the Beachbody trainers. This is Chalene may recognize her from PiYo, Turbo Fire or Chalene Extreme.

The Body Beast and Hammer, Sagi, was a sweet guy that is more like a

teddy bear than a beast!!

And last, but not least, Shaun T from CIZE, Insanity Max30, Insanity, and T25!!

We made several new friends, worked out with Beachbody trainers, shopped and yes ate...a LOT (loved the hotel's breakfast buffet after a hard workout)!!! It was such a neat experience seeing the Beachbody Challenge winners featured and witnessing 2 challengers being awarded $100,000....and to think everyone there is working to help end the trend of obesity and help others become healthier!!

Another awesome experience was being on stage as our coach, Melanie Mitro was named the #1 coach
out of 300,000 coaches for 2014. Melanie and our Dream Team did it again in 2015 and will be back on stage being recognized as the Top Team in July!!

After the Awards Celebration, we met one of Beachbody's Vice President's.

Sherry and I had such a great time we reserved our tickets and hotel for July 2016 as we drove home that weekend. 25,000 other people also secured their tickets and are ready to take over Broadway and work out.

Currently Sherry and I have 2 spots open in our car and hotel room for this year's trip!! By becoming a coach in January and joining my New Coach online training that starts Feb 1, you can learn the steps to take to qualify for Success Starters to earn a ticket (all other tickets are sold out!!). If you are interested in joining us for a wonderful girl's weekend at a VERY limited cost, comment below or send me a private message.

Please note: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.


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